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St. Mary's Moves to Mask-Friendly Policy
April 17, 2023
As of April 17, 2023, St. Mary’s has shifted from Universal Masking to a Mask-Friendly Policy.
What this means:
- For visitors, Care Partners, patients, volunteers and team members, masks will no longer be required in hallways, meetings, breakrooms, shared offices and most clinical areas.
- Patients and Care Partners can request that anyone in their presence wear a mask. This choice will be honoured and respected without question.
- Care Partners and staff may be required to wear a mask while interacting with a patient in isolation or where additional precautions are in use. In each case, a sign will be posted on their door to communicate this change.
- Patients presenting at SMGH’s Emergency Department with a respiratory illness will be asked to wear a mask while waiting for care. One Care Partner is permitted to accompany a patient due to space limitations.
- SMGH may reintroduce universal masking based on disease activity, during respiratory season and for outbreak management.
- Importantly, masks will remain available at SMGH for anyone that prefers to wear one, and your choice will be respected and supported.
Please note that active outbreaks may cause the hospital to temporarily suspend visits to units impacted if needed.
For Care Partners and Visitors, if you are feeling unwell, please stay home. This will help us continue to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our staff, patients and community.
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