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Home / Areas of Care/ Respiratory & Thoracic Care/ Respiratory & Thoracic Care Referrals

Respiratory & Thoracic Care Referrals

The following information and forms are for referring physicians to the Respiratory and Thoracic Care programs:

Referral Forms:

Lung Diagnostic Assessment Program: Thoracic DAP Referral Form 

Diagnostic Testing Referrals: PFT Referral Form Diagnostics 2023

  • Pulmonary function testing
  • Spirometry testing
  • Arterial blood gas sampling
  • Six (6) minute walk tests
  • Air/oxygen exercise testing for home oxygen
  • Fraction of expired nitric oxide testing

Education Referral: Airway Clinic Education Referral Form

  • COPD education and disease self-management
  • Asthma education and disease self-management
  • Smoking cessation counselling
  • COPD activation education and exercise program

Interstitial Lung Disease Clinic Referrals: ILD Clinic Referral Form 2024

Referrals to our Airway Clinic’s respiratory related diagnostic and education programs are now available on the Ocean e-Referral Network. Access OCEAN E-Referral with your credentials by clicking the link or scanning the QR code.

To add electronic referral to your practice, please click the link here or email eReferral@ehealthce.ca.

Respirology Referral

Urgent consultation (same day) with suspected admission 
Direct patient to SMGH, Emergency Department. SMGH is supported 24/7 by Respirology on-call.

Patient transfer to SMGH, Chest Unit from a referring acute hospital
Call Chest Unit: 519-749-6460 for Respirologist on-call.

Semi-Urgent or elective
Call Respirologist directly or fax referral to office.

Suspected or Diagnosed Thoracic Malignancy

Combined Surgery and Respirology Assessment 
Refer directly to the Regional Thoracic Diagnostic Assessment Program (DAP), Grand River Regional Cancer Clinic. The DAP is supported by a Nurse Coordinator and cases are presented with full interprofessional team discussion and plan.
519-749-4370 ext. 5458

Suspected or Diagnosed Esophageal Cancer

Call Surgeon directly or fax referral to office.

Diagnostic Testing

519-749-6578 ext. 1083

Radiology, CT, Lung Biopsy

Nuclear Medicine 

Airway Clinic

Asthma, COPD, Smoking Cessation
Patient referrals for education by a Certified Respiratory Educator: 519-749-6578 ext. 1083

Adult Cystic Fibrosis Clinic
St. Mary’s General Hospital
519-749-6578 ext. 1083